On Fabric and Garment
NOUBI SAYS: Always check the fabric content to see what maintenance it requires to keep looking good. Before buying any clothing, make sure that it's something you will have no difficulty doing, and it's something you want to do.

On Fabric and Garment.
On Fabric Quality
Useful Tips!
✓ Always check the fabric content to see what maintenance it requires to keep looking good. Make sure that it's something you will have no difficulty doing, and it's something you want to do.
✓ Let your sense of touch be your judge. Fabric must feel pleasant inside and out.
✓ Squeeze a handful of fabric for wrinkle reaction. Before buying, ask yourself if it's really something you need.
✓ Fabrics that drape smoothly flow smoothly.
✓ Quality made linen, organdy, organza, and taffeta must look and stay crisp.
On Garment Quality
General Rule: The price of any garment is determined by its quality. Make no excuses. It doesn't matter who made the garment and where it was made. Quality clothing lasts longer and inferior quality can break down fast in comparison to normal wear and tear.
Things to look for!
✓ Buttons - Quality clothing has quality buttons that are durable or maybe fabric-covered.
✓ Buttonholes - Quality buttonholes are signs of quality clothing.
✓ Seams - Quality garments are made of hand-finished seams. Today, seams can be made to look almost as if they were made by hands by more advanced electronic and computerized sewing machines. Wide seams are good signs of good-quality garments. Very narrow seams are signs of poor-quality garments.
✓ Trim - Trim must show well-detailed workmanship.
✓ Belt - Cardboard or soft plastic used as stiffeners are signs of poor-quality garments.
✓ Hem - Hem should be wide and hand-sewn.
✓ Linings - Hand-stitched linings create a better flowing fit.
Things to remember!
- Always buy the best quality that you can afford.
- Don't ignore workmanship.
- Make sure you have the poise to carry through whatever you wear.
- Too tight clothing is not comfortable even if it looks extremely well on you. It also tends to breakfast.
- Stretch the garment. Elasticity must be checked before buying.
- Watch out for fabrics that may shrink, expand or discolor.
*Fabrics that may shrink or expand: Cotton, Linen, Rayon
*Fabrics that may discolor or bleed: Silk, Cotton, Linen
NOTE: If you are someone who uses designer's or trademark's labels as a guide for quality, you're doing fine. Millions are spent by these companies to promote their labels. The last thing they'd do is mess it up with the poor-quality product. Levi's', Armani, Christian Dior, Chanel is among the most reliable labels. Most designer labels carry quality products.
However, you must read the labels carefully! Check under close inspection, because oftentimes, there are identical labels in department stores at different prices.
One day, I saw a garment I thought at a distance was Levi's. Only to find out, after asking what makes the price too low, it was actually Live's. There are labels that look as if they are your favorite designer's product like Yves Saint Laurent (YSL) but actually reads Ives of Saint Lawrence; and, Calvin Klein's CK Eternity reads OK Maternity under a magnifying glass. So, watch out!
Don’t get me wrong… There's nothing wrong with imitations and look-alikes. Some people are happy and comfortable wearing them. Personally, I'm suspicious of products that ride on someone else popular names and credibility. However, that's only my opinion, yours could be different.
NOUBI SAYS: Whatever is your reason for buying clothes, make sure you know the three factors that determine its price: the quality of the fabric, the quality of design, and the quality of workmanship. Then ask an honest question to yourself if it's worth buying it. If you think so, then go for it.