The Secret of Fashion Accessory
NOUBI SAYS: QUALITY is the secret! The quality of any accessory must determine its price. Buy always the best quality that you can afford and make sure you have the poise to carry through whatever you wear.

QUALITY is the only secret!
The quality of any accessory must determine its price. Always remember those quality accessories last longer.
Useful Tips!
✓ Buy always the best quality that you can afford.
✓ Make sure you have the poise to carry through whatever you wear.
✓ Three factors determine the price of an accessory: the materials used (gold, silver, leather, etc.), the quality of design, and the quality of workmanship. Don't ignore workmanship.
✓ More at the waist means less at the neck and vice versa.
✓ Accessories should be proportionate and harmonize with the size, shape, and color of your outfit. Trial and error are a very good practice using basic pieces first and adding trendy things later.
✓ Too much of one color sometimes looks awkward.
✓ Petites should watch the size balance of their accessories.
✓ Quality-made accessories show the worth of your money.
✓ Classic styles date less than novelty designs.
✓ Always keep shoes, belts, and bags well maintained with regular visits to the repair shop.
✓ Dilapidated shoes or belt does not justify your diamond earrings.
✓ Don't overdo it.
What accessories can do?
- It can make your wardrobe seem larger.
- It can update your basics.
- It can add color or splash.
- It can focus the observer's eye for the emphasis you want.
- It can change the outlook of your situation in a short time.
- It can make or break an outfit.
Noubi says: No matter how you'll look at it, inferior quality can break down fast in comparison to normal wear and tear.