How Fashion and Style Work?
NOUBI SAYS: In dealing with your particular style, your body is dependent on your personality just as any part of your body is dependent on the rest of your clothing. The relationship of your personality, body, and clothing must be in harmony as a whole for the best result. Because we tend to read clothing messages only as a harmonious whole according to what we know as our standard.

Fashion is the Effects of Illusion and How Style Work
Designers create fashion which they think you will like. Advertising agencies and fashion magazines are only instruments to stimulate your imagination, but the bottom line depends upon your judgment on how you interpret those media messages to your particular need.
Knowing your body needs can help you make the right fashion choices. Be careful. Most fashion mistakes happen when you choose garments because of the way they appear on models and/or friends.
In dealing with your particular style remember that the body is dependent on your personality just as any part of the body is dependent on the rest of your clothing. The relationship of your personality, body, and clothing must be in harmony as a whole for the best result. People read clothing messages only as a harmonious whole according to the standards we know.