Styling with Scarves
NOUBI SAYS: Scarves are interesting and fun to wear, but they take practice to make them stay perfectly in place. The scarf can change your look in a flash.

FASHION TIPS: Styling with Scarves
The scarf can change your look in a flash.
Useful Tips!
✓ Anchor scarves secretly with tiny safety to stop it from slipping.
✓ Loop a scarf more than once to keep it steady.
✓ The triangle in the back of the scarf can be tucked inside the collar.
✓ You can wear a larger square scarf loose in a middy effect by tying the square knot lower down on your chest.
✓ A wool scarf hanging loosely over a raincoat may be very effective.
✓ It's too uptight-looking to tuck your scarves neatly into your coats like an ascot.
✓ Chiffon is good when used to trail down the back of a luxuriant evening gown, but as scarves. They looked tacky, it is worn over curlers.
NOUBI SAYS: Take practice to make them stay perfectly in place. You can easily achieve the effect of a wrinkled knotted string or look as though you're wearing a bandage around your neck if you're not sure how to wear scarves.